
Asian Music and Dance

The Rose and the Bulbul

There are many worse ways to spend a summer’s evening than wandering the lovely gardens of Hoxton’s Geffrye Museum following a band of itinerant dancers, actors and glorious musicians, and this restaging of The Rose and the Bulbul (originally created in 2016) allows us to do just that.

27 September 2017

Issue-138, Review, Review - Dance Performance


This compelling production draws on kathak and physical theatre to tell a story that is far from familiar kathak repertoire. There has been much coverage in the media of abuse of vulnerable children in institutions and by groups of perpetrators; not so much attention has been given to abuse within families, although this, or a trusted circle, is where the vast majority of abuse takes place.

27 September 2017

Issue-138, Review, Review - Dance Performance

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